Baby Sunburn Prevention

  ​Why is a baby at special risk from sunburn? A baby’s skin is more delicate and thinner than an adult’s and burns and irritates more easily. Even dark-skinned babies may be sunburned. Babies cannot tell you if they are too hot or beginning to burn and cannot get out of the sun without an […]

Conger’s Corner: Parents Fighting

Angry words and exchanges occur in all marriages.  We fight, we pout, we scream, we stomp out of the room, all in front of our children.  This happens.  These moments can be teaching moments of how to argue in a healthy manner, even if we do raise our voices.  What does not seem to happen […]

Limiting Screen Time for Babies

Hoping to give your baby a leg up on learning — and give yourself a chance to catch up with chores? Thinking you could accomplish both in a flash by propping your little one in front of the TV and popping in an educational DVD? Before you hit “play,” it’s important to know that babies […]

Virtual Reality

How about some good news? There has been lots of bad news about the effect of cell phones, iPads and other electronic devices on our children but it’s not all bad news.  I just read about a new program where a hospital is using virtual reality to help children while they are doing chemotherapy. An 8 […]

Kicking the Habit

 Did you know that starting to smoke when you are a teenager is much worse than when you are older? It’s not just more years of the toxins in your body, it’s the fact that when you start younger, it’s more likely you will become addicted. Within days to weeks of trying cigarettes, teens will […]

Conger’s Corner: TummyTime

Tummy time starts as soon as you bring your infant home.  We encourage all infants to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS.  However, they need some time on tummies as well!  We recommend 20 min a day to help loosen neck muscles that may have been cramped in the womb.  If neck muscles are […]

“Read me another story!”

  Getting your toddler in bed can be a challenge and a nightly fight.  Going to bed ends play time and separates her from you!  So resistance is not unexpected.  Having a calm bedtime routine works best.  Make sure that bedtime is the same time every night.  Be aware that most toddlers’ natural bedtime is […]