Did you look both ways?

  At what age do you think it is safe for a child to cross the street? Would you have guessed 14? I sure didn’t!  A new study showed that crossing a street is a pretty complex skill and not all kids were successful at doing it safely. In 2014, there were 207 deaths involving […]

Conger’s Corner: Sleep Schedule

“The AAP recently endorsed the consensus statement on the recommended amount of sleep for pediatric populations in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. The consensus recommends that children between 1 and 2 years of age should sleep 11 to 14 hours per 24 hour period (including naps) on a regular basis to promote optimal health. […]

Sports Drinks

Sports drink ads make it look like athletes should drink them by the gallon.  The reality is sports drinks are high in calories and sugar. Water, and not sports drinks, should be the main source of hydration for children after sports, unless the exercise is strenuous or particularly long in duration. -Leigh Gistinger, CPNP

Turn off the TV

I still remember my dad yelling those words at dinner time. A new study showed that children from lower socioeconomic groups who watched more than 2 hours a day of TV had problems with school readiness. They did not develop adequate math abilities , had problems paying attention, and issues with memorizing facts. That’s not […]

Added Sugars

Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when they are processed or prepared. Naturally occurring sugars such as those in fruit or milk are not added sugars.  Added sugars are called by many different names. Examples of added sugars seen on ingredient labels  include but are not limited to brown […]

Smartphones and Depression

New studies have linked smartphone usage in our teens to depression. Teens spend a lot of time on their smartphones talking to friends, surfing the Internet, and posting their every move on social media. A recent survey even reported that half of teens say they’re addicted to their mobile devices. While smartphones have their advantages […]

Antibiotic Stewardship

  That’s one of the new buzz words in medicine. It means that we should use antibiotics responsibly. For instance, not treating a viral infection with an antibiotic. There has been a movement to use shorter durations of antibiotics for infections also. A recent article addressed using 5 days of antibiotics instead of 10 days […]