Tips on how to get your kids to listen

A lot of us have little ones that misbehave & push our buttons! Especially these days with being in quarantine and spending more time together as a family unit. Here are some tips to help you get them to listen better & cooperate more, without relying on fear, force, bribery & rewards. True power can […]

Diarrhea, what to feed your kid?

For decades, doctors have recommended that adults and children suffering from diarrhea resort to the BRAT diet while recovering. BRAT is an acronym for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, a bland diet of easy-to-digest food. Now, doctors have moved away from that recommendation. Why is that and what do they recommend instead? The AAP, American […]

Common Pediatric Parasomnias

Having a 2.5 year old I have now been able to experience some of these sleep parasomnias first hand. Sadly they can be scary and not fun to see your child go through, but are thankfully temporary. The most important thing to do when your child has one of these episodes is to ensure safety! […]

Pouch Problems

Those of you with little’s have quickly notice that most of the jarred baby food have been replaced by pouches in the grocery store. Now don’t get me wrong, when in a rush or on the go, the pouches are convenient less messy option. And certainly more nutritious than goldfish or some other pre-packaged snack. […]

The Curse of Sweet Drinks

Diet drinks aren’t saving kids any calories. In a recent study of 7,000 children, researchers found no difference in total daily calorie intake between kids that drink low-calorie beverages (such as diet sodas) and the ones who drink full sugar versions. The diet drinkers make up those calories someplace else. KIDS who drink WATER take […]

Stay at home children

On school days, one in three adolescents comes home to a house with no adult present. Police departments call the hours between 2 PM and 8 PM “crime time,” because more than half of all youthful law violations occur during these six hours. It is generally agreed that at around 12 years of age, parents […]

Poop Fails

So I’ve been reading “Oh Crap, Potty Training” by Jamie Glowaki, great book to read before you start potty training your child by the way. My husband was ready to start potty training this summer, since he’s a teacher and off for the summer, so we just jumped in! I should have read the entire […]

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