Parenting Goals

6 Effective Parenting Goals: Connect More as a Family- Many parents want to connect more with their kids, but need to make that a priority in their life to really get to know them. When we take the time to truly know who your kids are, and what they think, dream, and wish for, we […]

Childhood and Parenting

I recently heard a segment on NPR that talked about how childhood and parenting have radically changed in the past few decades. This has led to the point where far more children today struggle to manage their behavior. That’s the argument Katherine Reynolds Lewis makes in her new parenting book, The Good News About Bad […]

Sibling Rivalry

I listened to a podcast and have been following this positive parenting coach online that offers a lot of cool tools and messages. Check out Wendy Snyder at  How to dissolve the power struggle with integrity without relying on fear, force, bribery, and rewards. Here are some notes from what I learned on Sibling […]

Parenting tips

As Cooper is getting older, I’m trying to read up on more parenting books and blogs to help our family and other families I see at Kid’s First. I have come across one website recently Amy McCready who has the Positive Parenting Solutions website and is an author of a few best seller parenting books. […]

Toddler Tantrums

  Parenting tips: How to improve toddler behavior Toddlers are infamous for tantrums and other behavior issues. To encourage listening and cooperation, follow these parenting tips.  Life can be frustrating for toddlers. Though eager to be independent, young children can’t always move as swiftly as they’d like or clearly express their needs. They also tend […]

Fear Response

How would you like your child to react to a stressful situation?  Most parents reply ‘with confidence and calmness’.  No parent wants their kid to ‘freak out’ in a stressful situation.  How we model responses to stressful situations is a teaching moment for our kids.  Explaining war and the news, the weather, and violence sometimes […]

Positive Thoughts

MY pet peeve du jour…I am talking with a parent in the office and the child is simply not obeying. The dad turns to her and says, “If you don’t stop, then the doctor is going to give you a shot!” No, I am not going to give you a shot if you misbehave. I […]

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