Virtual Reality
How about some good news? There has been lots of bad news about the effect of cell phones, iPads and other electronic devices on our children but it’s not all bad news. I just read about a new program where a hospital is using virtual reality to help children while they are doing chemotherapy. An 8 […]
What Danger lurks in your Medicine Cabinet?
It might not be what you think. We all know that we have to protect our children against taking medicines… but have you thought about what else is in the bathroom that may cause harm? Cotton swabs. That’s right! Each year, thousands of children have to go to the ER for injuries from cotton swabs. […]
Less is More (when it comes to your kids toys)v
I started listening to a podcast on my maternity leave and I love what these women have to say about many aspects of the “mom-life”. Here is a snip-it of their opinion on dealing with too many toys, which I totally agree with! Toys can so easily take up more space than they’re worth (believe […]
Seat belts
Do you know how important seat belts and car seats are? I do. On one terrible night in the ER, I remember a parade of paramedics rolling stretchers into the center. Blood everywhere, moaning and worried expressions by the emergency crews. The ER staff flew into action to treat the victims of the multiple […]
Conger’s Corner: Infant Sleep Routine
When can your baby sleep all thru the night? It varies from infant to infant, of course. However, babies can start skipping feeds in the middle of the night around the second month and give sleepy moms and dads 6 to 8 hours in a row. Can they sleep longer? Sure, I have some infants […]
With finals this next week, I thought we’d talk about test anxiety. Test anxiety is a common source of stress for both students and parents. Despite your best efforts to help your child study more effectively, instructing your child how and what to study may actually increase their anxiety as your suggestions are likely […]
Kicking the Habit
Did you know that starting to smoke when you are a teenager is much worse than when you are older? It’s not just more years of the toxins in your body, it’s the fact that when you start younger, it’s more likely you will become addicted. Within days to weeks of trying cigarettes, teens will […]