Thunderstorm Asthma

Here’s something to watch for…Asthma flares as a result of a thunderstorm. And they can be deadly. This was first reported in the United Kingdom in 1983. Since then, it has been reported in Australia, Canada, Italy and the United States. What is it? During a thunderstorm, pollen grains are swept up, broken up and […]


   It’s everywhere. Coffee, tea and sodas don’t surprise anyone. Fruit spritzers surprised me. Protein shakes aimed at athletes. Chocolate covered coffee beans and Perky Jerky. But is it a problem? It can be. – The FDA recommends that adults don’t consume more than 400mg of caffeine a day which is 4-5 cups of coffee….or a […]

When to introduce finger foods?

Offer finger foods when your baby can sit alone and manipulate a toy without falling over. When you see your baby delicately picking up a piece of lint off the floor and putting it into his mouth, he’s probably ready! Usually this occurs between 7-9 months of age. Even with no teeth your baby can […]

The Oath

  When I was in medical school, I took an oath. Most people know about the Hippocratic oath that doctors take. I swore to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgement and abstain from wrong-doing. I also swore to not divulge what I saw or heard in the course of my […]

Morgan’s Wonderland Park

  I can’t believe I have not heard of this place.  Seriously.  Right in Texas! Morgan’s Wonderland Park is the world’s first theme park for Special Needs kids. It is completely accessible for wheelchairs and includes rides and playgrounds and special attractions.  It was opened in April 2010 by a father who wanted his daughter […]

Introducing Foods to your Infant

  The first feeding: Babies expect a breast or a bottle when hungry. So make sure your baby is happy and awake but NOT hungry the first time you feed him or her solid food because at this point he/she is learning a skill, not eating for nutrition. Wait about an hour after a milk […]

Summer is almost over!

  With summer wrapping up and school starting, kids can have a hard time adjusting to the new schedules. Some kids thrive on a schedule, while others truly enjoy the freedom of summer. Either way, it’s important to get your child’s sleep back on a routine. Sleep is very important to your child’s mood and […]

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