Universal flu shot

You Heard it Here! Scientists are working on combining ancestral genes from four major flu strains to develop the holy grail…a universal flu shot. One that would be given once and confer lifetime protection. I was excited by the development of a nasal flu vaccine..and then disappointed when it failed to be effective for TWO years […]

Eating your veggies benefits your health

There is tons of scientific evidence supporting a diet high in fresh, fibrous plant based foods. Study after study shows that eating plenty of veggies reduces the risk of disease – everything from diabetes, to osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancers. There are 3 likely reasons for this: Vegetables tend to be rich […]


  Most of the time when I talk about marijuana I’m discussing the effect on teenagers. Today I want to tell you about what is happening to our younger children. As more states legalize marijuana we are seeing a dramatic rise in exposure to cannabis in children. And this ingestion is leading them to the […]

Prescribing Antibiotics

When is the correct time to prescribe antibiotics? The American Academy of Pediatrics published some excellent information on when we need and don’t need antibiotics.  See the following great information! 1.  My child has a really bad cold. Why won’t the doctor prescribe an antibiotic? -Colds are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are used specifically for infections […]

Green Exercise

An area gaining recognition in the mental health literature is the benefit of “green exercise.” A literature review evaluating the impact of indoor versus outdoor exercise on mental health in 833 young adults found an overall positive association, especially in the categories of tension, anger, confusion, depression and greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activity, […]

Is the DockATot safe?

As an exhausted new parent you’re desperate for sleep, however you’re babies safety is your top priority! First, let’s clarify that when we’re talking about sleep safety, we’re talking about RISK. Yes, plenty of babies have slept in DockATots and are just fine, however, don’t you want your little one to be in the SAFEST […]

Smart Bandage

This is cool. Last week I spoke to another doctor about her husband’s surgery. Knowing that infection was the number one complication, she wanted to peek at the site. The surgeon warned her to keep her hands off, to leave the dressings alone. He was worried that removing the dressing would increase the risk of […]

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