Diagnosing Autism

Sometimes I read a medical article that gives me chills. Let me tell you about some research that’s underway. A hearing test, called the ABR (auditory brainstem response) is done on every newborn to discover hearing impairment early. Researchers noted that some children had a delayed response on the test. These children were later discovered […]

Parenting tips

As Cooper is getting older, I’m trying to read up on more parenting books and blogs to help our family and other families I see at Kid’s First. I have come across one website recently Amy McCready who has the Positive Parenting Solutions website and is an author of a few best seller parenting books. […]

Break-up with your phone

Attention Parents: Here are some tips for “breaking-up” with your phone! I know it’s hard to not look at your phone constantly, but we need to “break-up” with our phones so we can focus on what really matters – our children. Phones are a distraction from REAL LIFE! We need to make sure our kids […]

The Chilean government does not mess around

Chili has the most overweight men in the southern continent and the government made a decision to address the problem. Since 2012, Chili has implemented ambitious policies designed to change the food culture. What is spurring the action? The cost associated with caring for an obese population is expected to triple by 2030. These include […]

Another diet?

In the weight loss world, there is an endless cycle of diets that are touted to help you reach your goals. In the medical world, it seems there are diets to reach other goals. The specific carbohydrate diet is supposed to help gastrointestinal issues. The DASH diet helps to control hypertension. The newest diet I […]

Herbal supplements

  Nearly one in five people will take an herbal supplement and this number is even higher in children who have chronic illness. There continues to be this assumption that if it is ‘natural’ – it’s safe. That’s not necessarily true. Dietary supplements like vitamins and herbal remedies are regulated by the Dietary Supplement Heath […]


An article I read recently encourages “embracing the complexity of the issue” of marijuana use in teens. It discourages “vilifying cannabis”.  My problem is that the rest of the article is spent telling about how bad marijuana can be with teenagers. Cannabis use typically starts in teenage years. Up to 55% of teens have tried […]

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