Mothers….We have a problem.
I was watching Megyn Kelly on Sunday night last week. She did a report on children’s perception of gender bias. Of course, I was interested. The study was simple. The researcher would read a simple paragraph…something along the lines of…
“I work with a lot of people and one person is really smart. This person comes up with answers faster and better than other people.”
Then the researcher would show the child a photograph of a man and a woman and ask them to guess who it was. Under the age of 6, the girls typically picked the female. This was no surprise. At 6 and older, the girls picked the man. Pretty much every time. I was disheartened to watch the episode and I could see that the mothers of these girls were shocked. I can’t say I have a solution. But we’re doing something wrong. And we need to fix it.
Google: Megyn Kelly Ask your kids at home.
Watch it and let us know what you think.
Dr. Badaracco