p_iStock_000006840535  Parenting tips: How to improve toddler behavior Toddlers are infamous for tantrums and other behavior issues. To encourage listening and cooperation, follow these parenting tips.  Life can be frustrating for toddlers. Though eager to be independent, young children can’t always move as swiftly as they’d like or clearly express their needs. They also tend to have trouble dealing with limits, compromise and disappointment. This can lead to tantrums and misbehavior.  But you can teach your toddler to behave well by providing love, clear rules, and a degree of routine. Consider these practical parenting tips:

  1. Show your love- Make sure your displays of affection for your child outnumber any consequences or punishments. Hugs, kisses and good-natured roughhousing reassure your child of your love. Praise and attention also can motivate your toddler to follow the rules.

2. Prioritize rules- Rather than overloading your child with rules from the outset — which might frustrate him or her — prioritize those geared toward safety first and gradually add rules over time. Help your toddler follow the rules by childproofing your home and eliminating some temptations.

3.  Prevent tantrums- It’s normal for a toddler to have temper tantrums. To reduce the frequency, duration or intensity of your child’s tantrums:

4.  Enforce consequences- Despite your best efforts, at some point your toddler will break the rules. Ignore minor displays of anger, such as crying — but if your child hits, kicks or screams for a prolonged period, remove him or her from the situation. Consider using these parenting tips to encourage your child to cooperate:

Whatever consequences you choose, be consistent. Make sure that every adult who cares for your child observes the same rules and discipline guidelines. This reduces your child’s confusion and need to test you.  Also, be careful to criticize your child’s behavior — not your child. Instead of saying, “You’re a bad boy,” try, “Don’t run into the street.” Never resort to punishments that emotionally or physically harm your child. Spanking, slapping and screaming at a child are never appropriate.

5.   Set a good example-  Children learn how to act by watching their parents. The best way to show your child how to behave is to set a positive example for him or her to follow.

-Sarah Caudle- PA-C

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