
  America loves sports.  Our kids love sports.  Generally, sports build teamwork, self esteem and responsibility.  However, almost 30% of our youth participate in only one type of sport.  This intense focus on one sport throughout the year increases injury and has a 70% drop out rate by 13 years of age.  In contrast, kids who play multiple different types of sports during grade school to middle school and then begin to focus on a single major sport as they approach the high school years have a better chance of avoiding overuse injuries and increasing their chances of a more elite status of play in college.  Therefore, diversify is the way to go.  Encourage your child to do many types of sports and avoid pushing a single sport on your very talented young child.  It is very hard for the young child who is continually praised for his or her excellent skill to branch out to ‘new’ areas that they may not be as good at doing!  However, in the long run this will prove to be a better balance.  Let’s play!

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