If you’re anything like me, you might have mixed feelings about summer. Your school year routine is gone, and “everyone is off” while you still have to work. (Sadly, yet gratefully, my husband, mom and sister are all teachers).

Consider implementing these 5 positive parenting tips to help your summer go more smoothly:

1) Mindset! – Have realistic expectations
2) Freshen Up Your Communication

3) Work with them when power struggles happen

4) Look at what behaviors you’re modeling

5) Use logical consequences to discipline vs “throwing down punishment”
A. Have  “teaching talks” outside while your’e walking the dog around the neighborhood or throwing the football. Your kids will listen a lot better if they’re moving.
B. Use the 4 R’s to align your discipline with the mistake they made:

Good Luck this summer parents – we at Kid’s First are rooting for your families to have a Great Summer!

Sarah Caudle, PA-C

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