As an exhausted new parent you’re desperate for sleep, however you’re babies safety is your top priority! First, let’s clarify that when we’re talking about sleep safety, we’re talking about RISK. Yes, plenty of babies have slept in DockATots and are just fine, however, don’t you want your little one to be in the SAFEST sleep environment? Those that decrease your babies risk of SIDS.

So, is the DockATot really safe? Sadly, No.
1. The DockATot is designed as an in-bed co-sleeper. Co-sleeping is one of the biggest risk factors for infant sleep death. Safe Sleep Experts agrees there is no “safe co-sleeping”.
2. Placing the DockATot in a crib, bassinet, or other sleep surface is against the manufacturer’s warning and is not safe.
3. The DockATot does not meet CPSC standards for a safe sleep environment. Only products labeled with the words “crib” “bassinet” or “play-yard” do.
More info on this subject at:

AAP Statement: Air mattresses/beds and sudden infant death syndrome (June 2017) To reduce the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), infants should sleep supine and only on a firm sleep surface designed specifically for infants. A new report emphasizes that air mattresses or air beds are not appropriate for infant sleep, even if they are firm and fully inflated, but parents often use these devices because of their low cost and portability. This report highlights the importance of counseling parents specifically to avoid using air mattresses or air beds for infant sleep.

Sarah Caudle, PA-C

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